8-Year Observational Study

There is a considerable amount of research supporting the use of hyperthermia a treatment in oncology, and on the use of naturopathic treatment methods to complement therapy. This investigation examines survival outcomes in cases of advanced, metastatic solid tumor entities in patients with distant disease and a poor prognosis. Our objective is to present the findings of our complex integrative treatment from the past 8 years within an integrative naturopathic oncology setting. 

Locoregional hyperthermia was applied in complementary protocols using the modulated electrohyperthermia (mEHT) device, the Oncotherm EHY-2000+. The mEHT method has been integrated with conventional treatment, studied alongside various adjuvant treatments for many solid tumor cancer types.

An examination of the data from the past 8 years is provided, showing the synergy between the naturopathic oncology and hyperthermia methods.  mEHT has been administered to hundreds of patients with over 35 cancer types over the past 8 years in our center.  Data elements include patient statistics, cancer group & type, treatment(s) used, adverse events, overall survival (OS), diagnostic imaging & blood test results.

mEHT is a safe treatment with very few adverse events or side effects, allowing patients to maintain a high quality of life.  Moreover, our initial data indicates that the addition of this therapy into an integrative oncology setting provides benefits to PFS and OS, as well as to QoL.

To view the study paper:  CLICK HERE

Yours in Health,

Gurdev Parmar, ND