Arming the Immune System
The Incredible Power of Natural Immunity & the Fever Response
This book is a public service announcement. Discover the power of your natural immunity. Learn why we should allow our bodies to run their intelligent health maintenance programs, including those of the immune system. As they are more effective at eliminating invaders than any military on earth. You will discover that fever is an essential part of the immune response, and is found throughout the animal kingdom. I’m talking hamsters, rats, guinea pigs, lizards, gators, crabs, scorpions, grasshoppers, lobsters, beetles, leeches, snakes, snails, mice, monkeys, fish, ferrets, baboons, and even my beloved bees.
The Textbook of Naturopathic Oncology
A Desktop Guide of Integrative Cancer Care.
This is the most comprehensive and up-to-date reference on the integrative treatment of cancer. Both doctors and patients will find this to be the most useful book available today. Providing critical information on the treatment of 24 cancers, and also the most effective treatments of the most common symptoms affecting cancer patients while they undergo chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or surgery. Also a chapter on advanced treatments including hyperthermia, intravenous Vitamin C, mistletoe and repurposed drugs in oncology. Here is what those in the field have to say about the book: The Textbook of Naturopathic Oncology will certainly stand the test of time as one of this century’s most important contributions to integrative oncology. Lise Alschuler, ND, FABNO
Visit the Textbook of Naturopathic Oncology Website: PURCHASE HERE
Parmar's Pearlz
Clinical Cancer eBook Series
This Clinical Pearlz eBook series is our best attempt to get the most relevant evidence-guided and “pearly” information from our experienced team of writers, to those people living with cancer, who need this information today. This monumental task of culminating the vast body of knowledge in naturopathic oncology has been accomplished through the tireless contributions of over 40 of the field’s brightest minds the world over. In order to provide the most comprehensive treatment options possible, the Clinical Pearlz eBook series provides treatment recommendations from experienced naturopathic, medical, and radiation oncologists.
Visit the Pearlz Website: PURCHASE HERE (Coming Soon)
Authored Publications
Parmar G, Rurak E, Li K, et al. (2020). Chapter 13: 8-Year Observational Study on Naturopathic Treatment with Modulated Electro-Hyperthermia (mEHT): A Single Centre Experience. In Challenges and Solutions of Oncological Hyperthermia. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Szasz AM, Arkosky P, Parmar G, et al. (2020). Chapter 2: Guidelines for Local Hyperthermia Treatment in Oncology. In Challenges and Solutions of Oncological Hyperthermia. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Baronzio G, Parmar G, Baronzio M. 2015. Overview of methods for overcoming hindrance to drug delivery to tumors, with special attention to tumor interstitial fluid. Frontiers in Oncology: 5(165): 1-17. (doi:10.3389/fonc.2015.00165).
Hill, J, Hodsdon, W, Parmar, G, et al. Naturopathic Oncology Modified Delphi Panel. Integrative Cancer Therapies. July 2015:1-11. Doi: 10.1177/1534735415589983.
Gianfranco Baronzio, Gurdev Parmar, Andras Szasz, et al. A Brief Overview of Hyperthermia in Cancer Treatment. Journal of Integrative Oncology, Volume 3:Issue 1:115, 2014.
Parmar, G, Rurak, E. A Promising Cancer Therapy. Naturopathic Doctor News and Review. Feb 2014.
Parmar, G. Fever therapy in Cancer. Townsend Letter. Approved for publication August 2013 issue.
Gianfranco Baronzio, Gurdev Parmar, et al. Update on the Challenges and recent advances in Cancer Immunotherapy. Immuno Targets and Therapy (Dove Press Journal). 2013:2, 39-49.
Parmar, G. Hypoxia Immunity, Metabolism and Hyperthermia. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, April 3, 2013 – 6.
Gianfranco Baronzio, Gurdev Parmar, et al. Glioblastomas, Astrocytomas: Survival Amelioration Adding Hyperthermia to Conformal Radiotherapy and Temozolomide — Use of Pegylated Doxorubicin and Hyperthermia in the Treatment of a Recurrent Case. Cancer Treatment – Conventional and Innovative Approaches, 2013, Chapter 13.
Habib C, Parmar G. Dichloroacetate (DCA) Application in Cancer Management. Integrated Healthcare Practitioners Journal, September 2012: 80-85.